Textile Art - Inge Stahl - Germany
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Inge Stahl

Textile Sculptures

Member of
- European Textile Network  ETN
My work is situated on the narrow edge between beauty and pain. I work on and at the same time try to cope with physical and psychological states of beeing by means of textile sculptures and installations. The statement beeing made definately has priority, material and technique are subordinated.
I not only try to materialize my own feelings, but also absorb impressions from my nearby surroundings and the development of social processes to let them flow into my work. In the results it is important for me, to leave enough room for the viewers to make their own interpretations.
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Post Adress:
Inge Stahl
Fichtenweg 6
D - 84104 Rudelzhausen
+49 (0)8752 7661

European Textile Network
Point of accumulation for european textile art

Assosiation France Patchwork
Promoting the art of patchwork and textile creations
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