Textile Art - Inge Stahl - Femminities
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Woman's place is predetermined, woven into a tightly meshed net, she is chained to her position like a dog.
But if she can free herself from this fate by coincidence or luck, she is dangerous and threatening for the guardian of tradition.
If you know about healing and rather walk upright that be on your knees,
be prepared for an inquisition towards men.
Willie Tyson
Women's Feast
60 cm x 70 cm x 23 cm

You are all invited,
you, who usually lay the table for others.
40 cm x 75 cm x 18 cm

Believe this:
Every woman, who leaves her small circle,
who has been driven out of her boundries by harsh fate,
wild temper,
burning passion,
a strong spirit,
will never again find support.

Ada Christen
La Chiusa
72 cm x 110 cm x 17 cm

The dignity of man is impeachable.
Ulrike Meinhoff
Mute Servant
32 cm x 34 cm x 30 cm

A big ear in the heart of the universe
- in the heart of your daily life
- that listens to women speaking
- speaking in our own language.

Nelle Morton
The Woman in the Golden Cage
30 cm x 32 cm x 25cm

Woman is no genius,
she is of decorative nature.
She never has anything to say,
but she says it so nicely.

Oscar Wilde
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