Textile Art - Inge Stahl - Transparency
Inge Stahl Galeries Contact Cur. Vitae


...an attempt, to come close to reality by seeing through coherences. When the view is open to all sides, it becomes easier to leave aside the banalities, and to percieve the relevance of the essential.
Transparency presents clearness, which can be painful and shocking, but offers a solid basis for open communication and necessary changes.

Cabin of Relief

plastic foil, laces
300 cm x 100 cm x 100 cm
Antique black laces from England, enclosed in a transparent cabin, symbolize sadness, mourning, grief, sorrow, hardship.

In searching for healing or remedy imagination might help.

Outdated Models

mixed media

Upholstery Sets S,M,L
foil, cotton, foam rubber, wire



iron, silk, linen- and syntetic yarn,
copperwire, enamels

Indivisible Heart

foil, rock cristal,
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